
Supercharge Your Child’s Summer: Conquer Learning Gaps with Intensive Camps

As summer approaches, many parents find themselves at a crossroads – should they let their child enjoy a leisurely summer or take advantage of time away from school for a more structured and educational experience? At Eardley Education, we believe if your child is struggling or trying to get ahead, the most impactful use of their summer break is to provide them with the skills and confidence to return to the classroom in the fall. There is no more fantastic gift than the skills and confidence our students gain in summer that can change their classroom experience.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of enrolling your student in an Intensive Summer Learning Camp and address some common concerns and misconceptions we have experienced in our years of helping students. We will also highlight the importance of combating summer learning loss and demonstrate how these camps can help bridge the COVID learning gaps.

Testimonial from an Eardley Education parent

“I never imagined that Alejandro would learn to love reading in just one summer. If you only knew the number of fights at the kitchen table to read a book and now he’s bringing books to me.”

-Christina T., a parent

The Benefits of Summer Intensive Learning Camps:

  1. Bridging COVID Learning Gaps: The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted students’ education, with many experiencing learning gaps due to remote schooling and disrupted routines. Summer intensive learning camps allow students to catch up on missed learning and address these gaps in a supportive environment.
  2. Closing Academic Gaps: Summer intensive learning camps provide a unique opportunity for students to focus on specific subjects and areas where they may need improvement. With personalized instruction, campers can close academic gaps and start the new school year with a solid foundation.
  3. Combatting Summer Learning Loss: Research has shown that students can lose up to 2 months of learning during the summer break, known as the “summer slide” (Cooper et al., 1996). Summer intensive learning camps help students retain knowledge and skills by engaging them in active learning throughout the summer months.
  4. Building Confidence and Self-Esteem: Attending a summer intensive learning camp can significantly improve students’ confidence in their abilities. By tackling challenging subjects and overcoming obstacles, students develop a sense of accomplishment and increased self-esteem.
  5. Enhancing Social Skills: Summer camps provide a unique environment for students to interact with peers, make new friends, and develop essential social skills. Campers learn to collaborate, communicate, and problem-solve together, preparing them for future academic and social success.

Addressing Common Concerns:

  1. Four Hours of Learning is Too Much: We understand that parents may be concerned about their child’s workload at camp. At Summer Intensive Learning Camps, we ensure learning is enjoyable and engaging. Our curriculum incorporates hands-on activities, games, and innovative teaching methods to motivate and excite students.
  2. Scientifically Paced Breaks: Studies show that incorporating breaks into learning schedules can improve focus and retention (Boksem et al., 2005). Our camps adhere to this research by including planned breaks for physical activity, relaxation, and socializing to ensure students remain energized and attentive.
  3. Rewards and Incentives: We recognize the importance of celebrating achievements and progress. Our Learning Coaches implement custom reward systems to acknowledge and encourage students’ hard work and dedication. Students love turning in their Class Dojo points each week for prizes!
  4. 15 Years of Experience: With over 15 years of experience, our staff has witnessed first-hand the transformative impact that intensive summer learning camps can have on students. Our team of highly trained Learning Coaches is committed to providing your child with the tools they need for academic and personal growth.


Summer Intensive Learning Camps offer a unique opportunity for students to grow academically, socially, and emotionally. By enrolling your child in one of our camps, you can help them combat summer learning loss, close academic gaps, and address the learning challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Don’t let your child’s summer go to waste – invest in their future by enrolling them in an Intensive Summer Learning Camp today!


“Research has shown that students can lose up to 2 months of learning during the summer break, known as the ‘summer slide’ (Cooper et al., 1996).”

Cooper, H., Nye, B., Charlton, K., Lindsay, J., & Greathouse, S. (1996). The effects of summer vacation on achievement test scores: A narrative and meta-analytic review. Review of Educational Research, 66(3), 227-268. https://doi.org/10.3102/00346543066003227

Schedule time to learn more with Nick Eardley, our Founder and Director

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